ROK Cup Round 5 Event Regulations
The information below concerns event regulations and general information in effect for Round 5 of the ROK Cup USA series. Please make sure you also familiarize yourself with the updated RULE BOOK as well as the ADDENDUMS. Link for both can be found here.
Parc Ferme
ROK Cup USA is implementing a FUEL FARM and TIRE FARM for ALL CLASSES.
You will be REQUIRED to purchase fuel and oil from us, either online (recommended) or at the Event. Race tires are included in registration, and you can also purchase rain tires online (recommended) or at the Event.
You will be REQUIRED to “check-in” the following items:
- Race (SLICK) tires: Bring your slip (inside your registration packet) to the tires desk. Staff will mark off your tires as received. You can then mount them INSIDE the Parc Ferme area, and give them back to a Staff Member. AT NO POINT can RACE TIRES leave Parc Ferme.
- Rain Race Tires: You will need to bring your RAIN TIRES to the tires desk to check them in. This MUST BE DONE BY 5PM on Friday. You can check in a total of 2 SETS, and you may use ONE SET PER RACE DAY. Rain tires will not be required to stay in Parc Ferme, but if used MUST be the tires you checked in.
- Fuel and Oil: Fuel and oil will distributed at the fuel desk inside Parc Ferme. Bring your slip, and you will receive your fuel and oil. You then will be allowed to mix fuel inside Parc Ferme, and then are required to leave your fuel jug AND FUEL TANK inside. Karts WILL NOT be allowed to leave Parc Ferme with fuel.
Check-in will need to be completed for all three items by 5PM on Friday.
Designation of an Official Entrant
Every Driver is now REQUIRED to designate an Official Entrant. An Entrant is an authorized person who acts as the only point of contact between the Driver and Officials, Tech, and ROK Cup Staff. An Entrant can be a Driver, if the Driver is at least 18 years of age at the time of the Event. No other person is allowed to discuss matters regarding a Driver, either on or off track, with Officials, Tech, or ROK Cup Staff EXCEPT the Entrant.
How you will designate an Entrant:
- Online when you register for the Event
- At the Registration Desk at the Event (for Drivers who are already registered) Entrant and Driver will need to be present to sign off.
Hot Pit Access
Every Driver is allowed, per the official Rule Book, one mechanic. This one mechanic is the ONLY PERSON AUTHORIZED to enter Parc Ferme and/or the Pre-Grid Area with the Driver before the start of each competitive event.
Teams that require additional HOT PIT PASSES (for engine builders, team managers, etc.) MUST CONTACT ROK CUP USA ( to request these passes. A HOT PIT PASS will allow for entry into PARC FERME ONLY. You will NOT BE ALLOWED ACCESS INTO the PRE-GRID AREA.
- Drivers will be REQUIRED to come to Parc Ferme before their Final WITHOUT A PIPE AND COIL.
- Drivers will then be given a pipe and coil from ROK Cup to use for the Final.
- Micro/Junior: will get new pipe and coil. Mini/Senior: will get pipe and coil from Micro/Junior classes, respectively